Wildlife Trade Experts Oppose Use of Synthetic Rhino Horn as Anti-Poaching Measure

- A coalition of wildlife non-governmental organisations actively
combating the illegal rhino horn trade has declared its opposition to
the use of bioengineered rhino horn as a measure to curb poaching.The
coalition, which includes Education for Nature-Vietnam, Annamiticus,
WildAid, David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, Born Free Foundation,
Environmental Investigation Agency, Outraged South African Citizens
Against Poaching, WildlifeRisk-Hong Kong, African Wildlife Foundation
and Wildlife Protection Society of India, warns that the development
and distribution of a synthetic alternative to real rhino horn runs the
very real risk of only exacerbating the rhino crisis by removing the
stigma of rhino horn consumption and creating unnecessary obstacles for
law enforcement.
At issue is an American biotech company,
Pembient, established in January 2015 with the goal of replacing “the
illegal wildlife trade, a $20 billion black market with sustainable
commerce”. The wildlife trade coalition recommends that, under the U.S.
Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act of 1998, Section § 5305a (a),ii
Pembient cease all activities related to promotion, advertisement,
development, production and export of its lab-grown “rhino horn” and
urges the United States to suspend any rhinoceros product-related
patent or trademark applications put forth by Pembient. Read complete Joint Statement