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WPSI Publications
- Skinning the Cat: Crime and Politics of the Big Cat Skin Trade
- WPSI-Ranthambhore Tiger Census, May 2005
- India’s Tiger Poaching Crisis
- Tiger Poaching Statistics of India
- A God in Distress: Threats of Poaching and the Ivory Trade to the Asian Elephant
- Fashioned for Extinction: An Exposé of the Shahtoosh Trade
- Handbook of Environment, Forest and Wildlife Protection Laws in India
- Wildlife Crime: An Enforcement Guide (English & Hindi)
- Signed and Sealed: The Fate of the Asian Elephant
- The Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 - A Hand Guide With Case Law and Commentaries
- A Brief Guide to The Wild Life (Protection) Act (English & Hindi)
- The Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972 - as Amended with effect from 1 April 2003
- Warden Alert (Newsletter on wildlife protection issues, English & Hindi editions)
- Kachhapa (Newsletter on sea turtle conservation issues, in English)
WPSI Videos:
- Bones of Contention (a short film documenting the crises faced by
wild tigers in India as a result of poaching and the illegal trade in
tiger parts.)
- Birds of the Indian Monsoon (a 45 minute film on the lives of Kepladeo Sanctuary’s birds)
- The Killing Fields: Orissa’s Appalling Turtle Crisis (a
documentary on the mass slaughter of Olive Ridley sea turtles along the
coast of Orissa)
- “…And Then There Were None” (a short documentary
film which investigates the rampant poaching of otters in India)
Untitled Document