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Trade in tiger parts; CITES asks China to submit report
PTI Archana Jyoti, 25th August, 2009
Delhi, Aug 25 (PTI) India's efforts to save tigers has received a major
boost with a global forum asking tiger-farming states like China to
submit a report by October on steps taken to restrict trade in big cat
This is for the first time that the Convention of
International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Secretariat in Geneva
has issued such a notification calling on relevant parties to report
within a timeframe on steps taken by them to stop trade in tiger parts.
is a major development. The ruling undoubtedly puts a serious question
mark on the fate of at least 5000 tigers currently in Chinese breeding
farms as it has to now specify the steps taken to restrict farming in
order to sustain tiger population in the wild. Other countries like
Vietnam which are engaged in tiger farming will also have to report,"
sources said.
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