MoEF to
Tackle Encroachments in Additions to Kaziranga
21st Dec., 2004
On 17 December 2004,
hearing a petition filed by the Wildlife Protection
Society of India (WPSI) in 2003, the Central Empowered
Committee asked the Ministry of Environment and Forests
(MoEF) to look into encroachments in the six Additions
to Kaziranga National Park.
The Committee reminded Mr. A.D.N. Rao, counsel for
the MoEF, that Kaziranga would celebrate its centenary
in February 2005, and the issue of conflicting land
rights would have to be resolved.
Kaziranga, a World Heritage Site, has lost large tracts
of land due to erosion by the Brahmaputra River. The
government had notified six Additions to the National
Park, which would increase habitat area for the animals,
as well as serve as corridors to higher land during
the annual floods. Unfortunately, the future of the
Additions is uncertain due to continuous litigation
in the Guwahati High Court by cattle grazers and settlers.
Mr. Rao stated that he had received permission from
the MoEF to proceed with the filing of Special Leave
Petitions to settle the issue. These will be filed in
the first week of January 2005.