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Flood fury forces Kaziranga tiger to take shelter in shop
19 July 2019
Images of a fully grown tiger "relaxing" on a bed inside a shop in
Assam's flooded Kaziranga National Park has created a buzz on social
media and thrown spotlight on the plight of animals as the state
battles the deluge. The pictures
of the Royal Bengal Tiger on the bed at a shop at Harmoti near Bagori
range of the World Heritage Site along National Highway 37 on Thursday
were widely shared on social media after the Wildlife Trust of India
(WTI) posted it on Twitter.
"The tiger has entered a house and is relaxing on a bed. #AssamFloods bring in unusual guests!" "#JustIn
our vet @samshulwildvet is making plans with #AssamForestDepartment
@kaziranga_ to tranquilise the #tiger", the WTI said.
Our vet
@samshulwildvet is on a mission to tranquilise this #tiger to get him
out of bed! Anyone else see the irony… https://t.co/sqToYvMshD — Wildlife Trust India (@wti_org_india) 1563427014000
vet @samshulwildvet is on a mission to tranquilise this #tiger to get
him out of bed!", the organisation which is cooperating with the
state's forest department in the massive efforts to save wildlife
during the flood, said in a series of tweets.
full story here
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