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MP likely to get 15 new wildlife sanctuaries in the near future
17 Sep 2019
Pradesh Forest Department has proposed to develop 15 new wildlife
sanctuaries in the state in a bid to promote tourism in this region. As
per the news reports, the state government is looking for new ways to
generate revenue and is now giving special on the tourism sector.
the Forest Department is playing a prominent role along with the
tourism corporation to provide more tourism activities in forest areas.
The department has proposed the state government to set up 12 wildlife
sanctuaries in different locations. Also, District Forest Officers have
been asked to go ahead and identify areas in their districts where
parks and wildlife sanctuaries can be developed.
As of now, the
Forest Department has directed to allocate 200 ha land for each
sanctuary. At present, the state has 25 sanctuaries and 10 national
parks, which generates around INR 27 crore every year to the government.
full story here
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