Home :: News :: 08012020
Indian authorities admit to flaws in tiger counts after criticism
8 Jan 2020
National Tiger Conservation of India (NTCA) has proposed a revamp of
their tiger monitoring program, after strong criticism from both
independent scientists and media.
The Indian government has
claimed that the national tiger population has more than doubled since
2006, but independent scientists have raised serious doubts about this
"It is extremely unlikely that the number of tigers in
India has increased in the way the government claims," said researcher
Arjun Gopalaswamy in an interview with the Norwegian science news
portal Titan.uio.no in late November. He is the Science Advisor, Global
Programs, Wildlife Conservation Society and is based in India.
Nils Chr. Stenseth from the University of Oslo (Norway) agreed.
"Whenever empirical observations go against known ecological patterns,
it calls for immediate scrutiny of the methodological validity of the
analysis," Stenseth said. Stenseth and Gopalaswamy were authors of a
scientific paper containing serious criticisms about India's claims of
rising tiger numbers.
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