|  | Home :: News :: 20052012
| Another gruesome death of a tiger in the Tadoba landscape
see the attached photograph of the large male tiger that was hacked to
pieces yesterday in Borda forest beat, on the road to Mul, 12 km from
Chandrapur in Maharashtra. This is the fifth tiger death in the
Chandrapur forests this year.
dismembered carcass was found by a forest guard. The head and paws had
been removed and there were drag marks around the area. Burn marks on
the hind limb of the body indicate that the animal was electrocuted,
perhaps at another site and then dumped from a vehicle beside the road.
A one lakh cash reward has been offered by the Forest Department and
WPSI is assisting in the investigation.
Please distribute the photograph
far and wide so that the powers that be are motivated to do something
about this senseless slaughter of tigers. The loss of every wild tiger
is a major set back for this critically endangered species. At the very
least, the Special Tiger Protection Force (that was announced in
India's Parliament in February 2008 with a special grant of 50 crores)
should be put into place immediately. Forest Departments needs to
collaborate closely with skilled Police officers and experienced
non-government individuals so that there is intelligence-led
enforcement. Patrolling, field monitoring, detection, gathering of
intelligence, investigation and prosecution are all areas that
desperately need improvement.
Desai of Wildlife Protection Society of India and a wildlife crime
expert says, “It is possible to detect the traps even without using
metal detectors. Poachers normally block all tracks leading to the spot
they fix the snares except those on which they fix the snares.
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